
sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Sulfuric acid is the main link in the chain of production of chemical muchosproductos. Use in chemical synthesis of many drugs, in lafabricación battery, purification of oil in the ácidosulfúrico metallurgy is used to remove the oxide layers formed on the steel and as in the production of synthetic fibers and dyes. It is obtained from the sulphate amonioque used in the manufacture of fertilizers. In ysulfonatos sulfate detergents are used also from the sulfuric acid, is also used in lapurificación of fats and oils. Thus, the sulfuric acid is not sóloresponsable of acid rain. Their uses are very varied and importantes.El sulfuric acid is commercially available in large numbers and purities deconcentraciones. There are two main processes for laproducción sulfuric acid method and the lead chamber process decontacto. The lead chamber process is the oldest of the two processes currently used to produce yes largely consumed lafabricación acid fertilizer. This method produces a relatively dilute acid (62% -78% H2SO4)

1 comentario:

  1. good working acids and bases in 4th is there are many ways to contextualize and even in some cases may work attitude ... either from the point of view of food and meals, etc or whether from pollution and greenhouse gas emissions ...
